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Source code for omni.isaac.orbit_tasks.utils.wrappers.skrl

# Copyright (c) 2022-2024, The ORBIT Project Developers.
# All rights reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause

"""Wrapper to configure an :class:`RLTaskEnv` instance to skrl environment.

The following example shows how to wrap an environment for skrl:

.. code-block:: python

    from omni.isaac.orbit_tasks.utils.wrappers.skrl import SkrlVecEnvWrapper

    env = SkrlVecEnvWrapper(env)

Or, equivalently, by directly calling the skrl library API as follows:

.. code-block:: python

    from skrl.envs.torch.wrappers import wrap_env

    env = wrap_env(env, wrapper="isaac-orbit")


# needed to import for type hinting: Agent | list[Agent]
from __future__ import annotations

import copy
import torch
import tqdm

from skrl.agents.torch import Agent
from skrl.envs.wrappers.torch import Wrapper, wrap_env
from skrl.resources.preprocessors.torch import RunningStandardScaler  # noqa: F401
from skrl.resources.schedulers.torch import KLAdaptiveLR  # noqa: F401
from skrl.trainers.torch import Trainer
from skrl.trainers.torch.sequential import SEQUENTIAL_TRAINER_DEFAULT_CONFIG
from skrl.utils.model_instantiators.torch import Shape  # noqa: F401

from omni.isaac.orbit.envs import RLTaskEnv

Configuration Parser.

[docs]def process_skrl_cfg(cfg: dict) -> dict: """Convert simple YAML types to skrl classes/components. Args: cfg: A configuration dictionary. Returns: A dictionary containing the converted configuration. """ _direct_eval = [ "learning_rate_scheduler", "state_preprocessor", "value_preprocessor", "input_shape", "output_shape", ] def reward_shaper_function(scale): def reward_shaper(rewards, timestep, timesteps): return rewards * scale return reward_shaper def update_dict(d): for key, value in d.items(): if isinstance(value, dict): update_dict(value) else: if key in _direct_eval: d[key] = eval(value) elif key.endswith("_kwargs"): d[key] = value if value is not None else {} elif key in ["rewards_shaper_scale"]: d["rewards_shaper"] = reward_shaper_function(value) return d # parse agent configuration and convert to classes return update_dict(cfg)
""" Vectorized environment wrapper. """
[docs]def SkrlVecEnvWrapper(env: RLTaskEnv): """Wraps around Orbit environment for skrl. This function wraps around the Orbit environment. Since the :class:`RLTaskEnv` environment wrapping functionality is defined within the skrl library itself, this implementation is maintained for compatibility with the structure of the extension that contains it. Internally it calls the :func:`wrap_env` from the skrl library API. Args: env: The environment to wrap around. Raises: ValueError: When the environment is not an instance of :class:`RLTaskEnv`. Reference: https://skrl.readthedocs.io/en/latest/modules/skrl.envs.wrapping.html """ # check that input is valid if not isinstance(env.unwrapped, RLTaskEnv): raise ValueError(f"The environment must be inherited from RLTaskEnv. Environment type: {type(env)}") # wrap and return the environment return wrap_env(env, wrapper="isaac-orbit")
""" Custom trainer for skrl. """
[docs]class SkrlSequentialLogTrainer(Trainer): """Sequential trainer with logging of episode information. This trainer inherits from the :class:`skrl.trainers.base_class.Trainer` class. It is used to train agents in a sequential manner (i.e., one after the other in each interaction with the environment). It is most suitable for on-policy RL agents such as PPO, A2C, etc. It modifies the :class:`skrl.trainers.torch.sequential.SequentialTrainer` class with the following differences: * It also log episode information to the agent's logger. * It does not close the environment at the end of the training. Reference: https://skrl.readthedocs.io/en/latest/modules/skrl.trainers.base_class.html """
[docs] def __init__( self, env: Wrapper, agents: Agent | list[Agent], agents_scope: list[int] | None = None, cfg: dict | None = None, ): """Initializes the trainer. Args: env: Environment to train on. agents: Agents to train. agents_scope: Number of environments for each agent to train on. Defaults to None. cfg: Configuration dictionary. Defaults to None. """ # update the config _cfg = copy.deepcopy(SEQUENTIAL_TRAINER_DEFAULT_CONFIG) _cfg.update(cfg if cfg is not None else {}) # store agents scope agents_scope = agents_scope if agents_scope is not None else [] # initialize the base class super().__init__(env=env, agents=agents, agents_scope=agents_scope, cfg=_cfg) # init agents if self.env.num_agents > 1: for agent in self.agents: agent.init(trainer_cfg=self.cfg) else: self.agents.init(trainer_cfg=self.cfg)
[docs] def train(self): """Train the agents sequentially. This method executes the training loop for the agents. It performs the following steps: * Pre-interaction: Perform any pre-interaction operations. * Compute actions: Compute the actions for the agents. * Step the environments: Step the environments with the computed actions. * Record the environments' transitions: Record the transitions from the environments. * Log custom environment data: Log custom environment data. * Post-interaction: Perform any post-interaction operations. * Reset the environments: Reset the environments if they are terminated or truncated. """ # init agent self.agents.init(trainer_cfg=self.cfg) self.agents.set_running_mode("train") # reset env states, infos = self.env.reset() # training loop for timestep in tqdm.tqdm(range(self.timesteps), disable=self.disable_progressbar): # pre-interaction self.agents.pre_interaction(timestep=timestep, timesteps=self.timesteps) # compute actions with torch.no_grad(): actions = self.agents.act(states, timestep=timestep, timesteps=self.timesteps)[0] # step the environments next_states, rewards, terminated, truncated, infos = self.env.step(actions) # note: here we do not call render scene since it is done in the env.step() method # record the environments' transitions with torch.no_grad(): self.agents.record_transition( states=states, actions=actions, rewards=rewards, next_states=next_states, terminated=terminated, truncated=truncated, infos=infos, timestep=timestep, timesteps=self.timesteps, ) # log custom environment data if "episode" in infos: for k, v in infos["episode"].items(): if isinstance(v, torch.Tensor) and v.numel() == 1: self.agents.track_data(f"EpisodeInfo / {k}", v.item()) # post-interaction self.agents.post_interaction(timestep=timestep, timesteps=self.timesteps) # reset the environments # note: here we do not call reset scene since it is done in the env.step() method # update states states.copy_(next_states)
[docs] def eval(self) -> None: """Evaluate the agents sequentially. This method executes the following steps in loop: * Compute actions: Compute the actions for the agents. * Step the environments: Step the environments with the computed actions. * Record the environments' transitions: Record the transitions from the environments. * Log custom environment data: Log custom environment data. """ # set running mode if self.num_agents > 1: for agent in self.agents: agent.set_running_mode("eval") else: self.agents.set_running_mode("eval") # single agent if self.num_agents == 1: self.single_agent_eval() return # reset env states, infos = self.env.reset() # evaluation loop for timestep in tqdm.tqdm(range(self.initial_timestep, self.timesteps), disable=self.disable_progressbar): # compute actions with torch.no_grad(): actions = torch.vstack([ agent.act(states[scope[0] : scope[1]], timestep=timestep, timesteps=self.timesteps)[0] for agent, scope in zip(self.agents, self.agents_scope) ]) # step the environments next_states, rewards, terminated, truncated, infos = self.env.step(actions) with torch.no_grad(): # write data to TensorBoard for agent, scope in zip(self.agents, self.agents_scope): # track data agent.record_transition( states=states[scope[0] : scope[1]], actions=actions[scope[0] : scope[1]], rewards=rewards[scope[0] : scope[1]], next_states=next_states[scope[0] : scope[1]], terminated=terminated[scope[0] : scope[1]], truncated=truncated[scope[0] : scope[1]], infos=infos, timestep=timestep, timesteps=self.timesteps, ) # log custom environment data if "log" in infos: for k, v in infos["log"].items(): if isinstance(v, torch.Tensor) and v.numel() == 1: agent.track_data(k, v.item()) # perform post-interaction super(type(agent), agent).post_interaction(timestep=timestep, timesteps=self.timesteps) # reset environments # note: here we do not call reset scene since it is done in the env.step() method states.copy_(next_states)